KO Boxing Ilford – Trailer

1996: Trailer for an evening of Live Thai / Kick Boxing at the Island, Ilford in the East end of London.
I set up a three camera, (overhead from the lighting grid, handheld at the ringside and tripod mounted from one corner) gly away type live production feeding the cameras to a vision mixer that I operated up on the balcony of this old cinema converted to a nightclub, straight into a BetacamSP deck. I think that Jake Shaw operated the corner camera and Clive Gamble the handheld camera with Gill Husk cable bashing for him. I remember my knees sticking to the carpet up in the balcony when I connected up all the kit, I don’t really want to know why. I also recall that at 1am as we packed up our cars to leave the car park was doing more trade than the club! A week after we filmed a doorman was a victim of a fatal shooting incident at the Island! Back at the studio I took the live mix and added commentary, graphics and music by Dave Williams.